
“I have always believed that whatever good or bad fortune may come our way we can always give it meaning and transform it into something of value.”
– Hermann Hesse

Hello, yes even when life is busy and full, you are injured or the munchkins are sick, you gotta get your sweat on.

Here is your quickie for today–what ever the day gave to you in the form of challenges or joyful enlightening, it is always an opportunity to create awareness in your life and as that translates to your workouts…more consciousness of breath and focus in your workouts.

So no music today…just follow the sound of your heavy breathing and your body moving to this short and sweet one.

Ankle Circles
Shoulder Circles
Cat Cow Spinal Extensions

Jump Rope 1 minute/Squats
Jump Rope 1 minute/Side Lunge to Knee Balance
Jump Rope 1 minute/ 20 Pushups
Jump Rope 1 minute/20 Tricep Dips
Jump Rope 1 minute/ 20 X Oblique V Sits

Repeat 3 Rounds

Eka Pada Supta Virasana…reclining 1 leg quadriceps stretch.
Folding Sukahasana

See you tomorrow to get your sweat on…and yes I know it is time for some videos for the blog!

All the best,


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3.12.10 yourdailysweat

Hello my sweaty friends.

yourdailysweat will relaunch 3/21/10.

I have been working hard on setting up new life in Montana and feel I have carved out some space and time to dedicate to the blog and to my personal daily sweat. It will be my delight to share all with you. Thanks for your patience and to your interest in the blog. Coming soon also, my website will be up shortly, Ill send you a blast to let you know when it is really ready!

All the best and enjoy the last few days of official winter.

With love,

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12.02.09 yourdailysweat

“A person who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.”
– Albert Einstein

Gotta play today.  Working on arm balances in yoga, they are super hard for me in a few ways….mostly I know because I still have so much core work to reestablish a healthy functioning center post baby…  so here is a short awakening sequence that I am playing with today.  And I just know there will be a few crashes by the end

Wrist & Shoulder Mobility

Spinal Extension/Flexion for Heat:  Bridge Pose followed by a Reverse Crunch

Spinal Twists for Freedom in Back and Hips

Yoga Tune Up Plank with Active Serratus

Lolasana on blocks


Side Crow

that will be enough bruises for me for today!

See you tomorrow to get your sweat on!


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12.01.09 yourdailysweat

“Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together.”
– Vincent van Gogh

Today is a day for getting things done…Ill start by eating the frog that has been sitting on my desk and in my head for a couple of months.  It is funny how little things can grow bigger and bigger and make a huge difference…this is true whether you are ignoring them or paying attention to the details.

Today’s sweat is also dedicated to the details.  A full body joint mobility flush as taught to me by the international movement arts Coach Scott Sonnon followed by a short run and completed by hot yoga with Sam Rice at The Healing Sun in Kalispell Montana. http://www.flatheadhotyoga.com

The joint mobility work, or IntuFlow is amazing and will give me a chance to articulate my joints in each degree of freedom from head to toe.  This will improve my health and well being instantly but also improve my biomechanics for my run and practice later in the day.  Learn more about Scott Sonnon and his incredible body of work by visiting http://www.rmaxinternational.com.  Enjoy!

So go now, eat that frog and get your sweat on!  See you tomorrow.



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11.30.09 yourdailysweat

“Self-reverence, self-knowledge, self-control. These three alone lead to sovereign power.”
– Alfred Tennyson

Learning to listen to your deep seated needs is an art and a science and something to practice today.  In honor of my own needs that are speaking to me today, I declare this date a mellow monday.  Join me for a sweeter sweat and be sure to give yourself some pamper time, even if it is just stealing 5 minutes of stillness somehow during the day.

Mellow Monday Energy Infusion

Foam Roller exploration..anything goes

Rolling Twists on the floor

Supported Bridge Pose

Wall Hip Openers…Closed Chain lift and Rock Hip Stretch

Foam Roller Chest Opener

Sleeping Childs Pose….extended childs pose with sandbag on lower back


So even when we are knackered we can still get our sweat on.

See you tomorrow for more.


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11.29.09 yourdailysweat

“Man must be arched and buttressed from within, else the temple wavers to dust.”
– Marcus Aurelius


This basically sums it up.  Change must come from within to be true and lasting change.  Motivation is most useful when it is from your own inner drive to get up, get going and get it done.  So what will it be today?

I will get this Snowy Sunday started with a fire based workout.

Short Tabata 20:10 Work:Active rest

Treadmill Sprint:Walk

Kettlebell Swings: Shoulder stretch

Burpees:Tai Chi Swings

Stability Ball Bridges: Double Leg Hamstring Stretch

Reverse Crunches: Moving Twists


That should make me sweat!…try it out..

Go Now and Get Your Sweat On…see you next time..


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11.28.09 yourdailysweat

“Facing it — always facing it — that’s the way to get through. Face it!”
– Joseph Conrad

Winter is here in the Flathead.  It is beautiful and daunting all at once.

However you feel about the weather you simply cannot deny its presence in your life.  Better to embrace it and make it an integrated texture in the fabric of your day.  I feel the same about movement and exercise and am really noticing the different moods of weather in my body.  Today’s start felt like a sleepy winter morning but I decided to face it and find a way to get my sweat on…and indeed did I get it done.  thank you to Sam Rice at the Healing Sun Yoga studio in Kalispell Montana.  A hot sweaty vinyasa class focused on awareness and alignment was perfect to melt my physical resistance and realign my mental attitude for the holidays.  Now off to the gym for a short treadmill run .

Enjoy your day and see you next time to Get Your Sweat On!


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9.27.09 yourdailysweat5

As I started looking,I found more and more. –Valerie Steele

This is so true of fitness as well as time management.  Managing time is not really possible, all one can do is manage, or since I don’t really like being “managed’ I will say guide one’s attention.  What you pay attention to, grows and it grows in direct proportion to the quality of your thoughts…

So lets move away from the excuse that we don’t have enough time to fit fitness in, and instead move towards the possibility that if we can pay attention and look for the solution, we will see many ways to fit meaningful movement minutes into our day.  Squats on a chair, sprinting the stairs…lifting my daughter over head 20 times….I can get definitely do this and maybe even have a smile on my face too.

I’m starting right now, and I will check back in later today and let you know how I found my 20 minutes throughout the day.

Go, now and get your sweat on!


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9.26.09 yourdailysweat4

I sing the body electric.  Walt Whitman

So could not get it together for my own personal workout today, although I taught two wonderful classes and had a great time getting others to sweat.

So my dailysweat for the rest of the day will be to simply put on some tunes and dance with my little munchkins, 4 year old boy and 21 months old baby girl.  They get to pick the music, so I imagine, there will be a disco duck moment and jungle book favorites too.

Hope you have time to do the same.  See you tomorrow to get your sweat on.


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9.25.09 yourdailysweat3

“What we hope ever to do with ease we may learn first to do with diligence.”

– Samuel Johnson

Today’s sweat is inspired by my own movement needs and the lessons from one of my favorite teachers.  Jill Miller, founder and creator of Yoga Tune Up®.  Friday is thus decreed holy hips day!  To learn more great techniques to open your hips, please visit yogatuneup.com and view the QuickFix Hips Video…and order some yogatherapy balls.  You will be so happy to have these as your new little friends!

Your Daily Sweat

Around the Block Treadmill Walk  (alternate option…hike a strong hill or find a steep staircase)

Choose slow speed..2.0 or 2.5
High Incline.  work up incrementally every 1 minute to an incline of 15 or as high as the treadmill will allow
Using a light touch for balance, walk forward for 30 seconds
Using a stronger hand position for balance on the side rails, turn your body  to the left and grapevine your feet with the left foot crossing in front of the right with each step.  enjoy the natural articulation of your feet and ankles in this movement 30 seconds
Still facing left, gallop sideways for 30 seconds and focus on clicking your heels 30 seconds
Using a light touch for balance, face front, increase your incline a notch (keep speed very slow) walk forward for 30 seconds
Using a stronger hand position for balance on the side rails, turn your body  to the right and grapevine your feet with the right foot crossing in front of the left with each step.  enjoy the natural articulation of your feet and ankles in this movement 30 seconds. 30 seconds
Still facing right , gallop sideways for 30 seconds and focus on clicking your heels 30 seconds

Continue for 20 minutes

Hip Therapy 10 minutes

Hamstring leg stretch 1
Recline on your back. Stretch one leg straight out on the floor and the other to the ceiling directly over your hip line.  Stack your joints, tone your muscles and work on lengthening the hamstring muscle while you maintain amazing alignment and freedom of breath in the rest of your body.  use a strap for more comfort if it is hard to reach your toe on the top leg.  For more stability anchor your bottom foot on a wall.  Hold for 90 seconds and switch sides.  2 rounds.

Hip Rock

Find a space close to a wall. Recline on your back, knees bent. Cross your right leg over your left thigh.  Climb your left foot up the wall until you feel a decent stretch in your right hip.  Keep your pelvis anchored on the ground. Activate the right glutes and move the right thigh energetically towards the wall.  Inhale, push your foot into the wall and tone all of the muscles of your legs and pelvis, exhale, release the contraction and rock your hips and legs side to side, allowing the foot and body to move freely.  continue for 90 seconds and then repeat on other leg.
Pin your Leg on the Wall Pose.

Find a Kneeling lunge close to the wall, with a chair or bench nearby for support.  Balance on your knees (cushioning helps), holding the chair and slide your left shin up the wall with right leg in a low lunge.  Push off your front foot and work your back thigh towards the wall until your leg, hips, torso and head are flush with the wall.  You will feel a deep stretch of the hip flexors and quadriceps.  (Breathe, it is intense!)  Use the chair for balance and support, and do your best to alternate between the kneeling lunge and the intense thigh stretch.  Hold for 90 seconsd as tolerated and then repeat on other side.


See you tomorrow to get your sweat on!


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